Access Control Systems Sydney

KSS offers a wide range of access control systems that are easy to operate.

The system can simply provide electronic access to a home or garage or for commercial security be programmed to restrict users to certain areas for specified periods and for public holidays and special events.

Security can be further enhanced by adding off-site monitoring for violated access.

For commercial systems, software is also available that can be combined with the access control system to record employee movements and automate attendance recording.

Access control systems can be integrated to control both door security and gate control.

The access control system can incorporate a wide selection of access control devices: keypads, swipe cards, key fobs, proximity cards, biometric access control(including fingerprint and eye iris reading) and rfid access control.

Our access control systems are flexible with a variety of advanced features:

  • They can be single door units or systems controlling hundreds of doors and thousands of users.
  • Entry is limited to authorised persons and/or limited hours of the day.
  • It is easy to add or delete users either manually or via a PC programme.
  • A data log ( name, time, date) of users can be kept by the system.
  • In high security sites, sophisticated readers are available.

KSS Security security alarm system

Master Security Licence Number 405078762, ABN:68028932849, Copyright© 2016

KSS Security - security fingerprint access control

KSS Security - access control system

KSS Security - security guard monitoring access

KSS Security - access contol system in action